• Determination of Total Reduced Sulfur Emissions from Stationary Sources

    Updated: 2012-07-30 22:11:17
    This action promulgates Method 16C for measuring total reduced sulfur (TRS) emissions from stationary sources. Method 16C offers the advantages of real-time data collection and uses procedures that are already in use for measuring other pollutants. Method 16C will be a testing option that is used at the discretion of the tester. DATES: This final [...]

  • EPA to Review Technical Information on Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for New Power Plants

    Updated: 2012-07-30 22:10:33
    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is reviewing technical information that is focused on pollution limits for new power plants under the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), based on new information provided by industry stakeholders after the rule was finalized. By moving quickly to review the new information, this action will provide greater certainty for [...]

  • Time To Honor the Great Renewable Energy Projects

    Updated: 2012-07-30 19:53:44
    There is nothing more important than celebrating the victories of an emerging industry. The wind, solar, biomass, geothermal and hydropower industries have been putting projects online this year with gusto. Even though project development may slow down for some of those industries in 2013, now is a good time to honor some of the outstanding accompl

  • Rotax Adds to Fuel Efficient Aircraft Trend

    Updated: 2012-07-25 18:34:00
    Wired Home Subscribe Sections Cars 2.0 Culture Entertainment Gadgets Gaming How-To Med Tech Multimedia Politics Product Reviews Science Software Tech Biz Tech Jobs Wired Biz Wired Insider Guide to Fast Living Blogs Autopia Beyond The Beyond Business Cloudline Danger Room Decode Design Enterprise Gadget Lab Game Life GeekDad GeekMom Opinion Playbook Raw File This Day in Tech Threat Level Underwire Webmonkey Wired Science Wired Science Blogs All Blogs Reviews Automotive Desktops Digital Cameras Gaming Gear Home Audio Video Household Media Players Mobile Audio Mobile Phones Notebooks Roundups Software Apps Sports Outdoors Tablets eBooks Televisions All Reviews Video How To Magazine iPad RSS Feeds All Wired Video Autopia Planes , Trains , Automobiles and the Future of Transportation Previous

  • Ethanol Saved Consumers $134,400,000,000 in 2011?

    Updated: 2012-07-25 14:41:32
    Home About Contact Advertise Consumer Energy Report Biodiversivist Choke Points Econbrowser Editors' Corner Power Policy R-Squared Energy Column By Russ Finley on Jul 25, 2012 with 4 responses Ethanol Saved Consumers 134,400,000,000 in 2011 : Tags Biodiversivist corn ethanol ethanol RFA Tweet Back in 2009 two researchers released a study that suggested corn ethanol was saving American’s money at the gas pump . I wrote to one of the authors asking for clarification . His : reply In the paper , we conclude that evaluated at the average ethanol production level of 01 1995-03 2008, the wholesale gasoline prices is 0.14 gallon lower . The change of retail gasoline prices varies across refinery markets from 0.29-$0.40 . gallon He also added that the results were unique to prevailing conditions

  • The Contribution of U.S. Oil Consumption to Global Carbon Emissions

    Updated: 2012-07-23 12:06:43
    . Home About Contact Advertise Consumer Energy Report Biodiversivist Choke Points Econbrowser Editors' Corner Power Policy R-Squared Energy Column By Robert Rapier on Jul 23, 2012 with 5 responses The Contribution of U.S . Oil Consumption to Global Carbon Emissions : Tags Tweet Financial Dependence Can Cause Bias Generally when I find myself having to clarify my position from a previous column , I find that I did not explain myself as well as I should have . Such is the case with last week’s column Environmentalism is a Profitable Business There were several ways in which that column was misunderstood , but I want to be clear that I was not arguing that people are drawn to environmentalism for the money . I believe that in most cases they are drawn to the cause because they genuinely care

  • Investment Opportunities in Natural Gas

    Updated: 2012-07-21 02:44:06
    Home About Contact Advertise Consumer Energy Report Biodiversivist Choke Points Econbrowser Editors' Corner Power Policy R-Squared Energy Column By Robert Rapier on Jul 20, 2012 with no responses Investment Opportunities in Natural Gas : Tags Energy Trends Insider natural gas newsletter Tweet In this week’s  Energy Trends Insider our featured stories were The Navy’s Biofuels Program and the Great Green Fleet Investment Opportunities in Natural Gas and the Short Term Oil Price Investment Outlook As we did last week , we would like to share one of those stories with regular readers of this column. Interested readers can find more information on the newsletter and subscribe at Energy Trends Insider The following story is exactly as it appeared in Energy Trends Insider , except the name of a

  • Cool Ways to Save Energy

    Updated: 2012-07-19 16:32:00
    Could You Save Money on Your Refrigerator Cool Ways to Save Energy July 19, 2012 12:32 So you've just bought a new fridge , and chosen one that's energy efficient , but did you know that there are a few simple things you can do to save even more energy once you get it home The way you use your refrigerator and freezer can lead to big energy savings for you and your . family First , when choosing a refrigerator , be sure to select the right size . Determine your household's needs before purchasing a refrigerator or freezer . One that is too large wastes . energy Second , don't set the temperature colder than necessary . Refrigerators should be set between 36 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit , and freezers between 0 and 5 degrees . Keeping your refrigerator and freezer full can also help regulate

  • Midwestern Drought, Ethanol, & Renewable Fuel Standard — R-Squared Energy TV Ep. 26

    Updated: 2012-07-19 12:02:15
    In this week’s episode of R-Squared Energy TV, I discuss the implications of the current drought in the Midwest, how that may impact the ethanol market, and whether the Renewable Fuel Standard is likely to be modified. Readers who have specific questions can send them to ask [at] consumerenergyreport [dot] com or leave the question after this post (at the original source). Consider subscribing to our YouTube channel where you’ll be able to view past and future videos. Link to Original Article: Midwestern Drought, Ethanol, & Renewable Fuel Standard — R-Squared Energy TV Ep. 26 By Robert Rapier

  • EPA proposes amendments for PC MACT (NESHAP: Portland Cement)

    Updated: 2012-07-18 23:09:42
    These proposed amendments would promote flexibility, reduce costs, and ease compliance burdens.

  • Argonne’s Don Hillebrand Featured on Cars of Change

    Updated: 2012-07-18 16:15:28
    The Director of the Center for Transportation Research at Argonne, Don Hillebrand, recently wrote a feature article for the the green auto blog Cars of Change. His excellent piece, entitled “Meeting the Natural Gas Vehicle Challenge,” addresses the current opportunity in the US for autos fueled by natural gas. With the enormous increases in domestic [...]

  • Do You Have a Solar Water Heater?

    Updated: 2012-07-13 17:50:00
    Passive Housing for an Aggressive Region Do You Have a Solar Water Heater July 13, 2012 13:50 Earlier this week , Ernie wrote about the economics of getting a solar water heater As Ernie explained , a solar water heater is more expensive than a normal water heater , but depending on your area and setup , it can save you 50-80 saving you energy costs over . time So this week we're : wondering Do you have a solar water heater If you do , share your experience You have the chance to share your thoughts on a question about energy efficiency or renewable energy for consumers . Please comment with your answers , and also feel free to respond to other . comments Categories : Solar Water Water Heating Permalink Actions : E-mail Twit This Kick it Digg This Save to del.icio.us Share on Facebook

  • Sponsor Success Thursdays: Team Tennessee

    Updated: 2012-07-12 21:50:27
    Team Tennessee’s thermal team struggled to simulate heat rejection of the Energy Storage System (ESS). During the Winter Workshop, the tools and training given by Siemens, CD-adapco, MathWorks and A123 Systems enabled the thermal team to effectively model different cooling strategies for the ESS. Team Tennessee’s series-parallel plug-in hybrid electric vehicle architecture relies on the [...]

  • Protecting Cleantech Software

    Updated: 2012-07-12 14:00:00
    Sign-In or Create a Free Account Sign-in with : World's 1 Renewable Energy Network for News Information News Blogs Video Finance Companies Products Jobs Calendar Magazines Events Awards Our Magazines Article Archives Protecting Cleantech Software By Andrew Horrocks Matthias Kuznik , Clyde Co LLP 2012-07-12 09:00:00.0 2 Comments Developers of software for Clean Technologies' wanting to enter the renewables market should ensure that the value of their intellectual property and competitive advantage are properly protected . Do you like this magazine Bookmark Print Feed Page 1 of 2 LONDON Implementation and functionality of most new technology now depends on software . Software for renewable energy technology , often referred to as CleanTech' , is no exception to this rule . For example , a

  • ICR renewed for NSPS/Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines

    Updated: 2012-07-11 18:32:43
    The New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Stationary Source Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (40 CFR part 60, Subpart IIII) were proposed on July 11, 2005, promulgated on July 11, 2006, and amended on June, 8, 2011. The affected entities are subject to the General Provisions of the NSPS at 40 CFR part 60, subpart [...]

  • Solar Water Heaters and the Economy

    Updated: 2012-07-11 15:59:00
    Do You Have a Solar Water Heater Solar Water Heaters and the Economy July 11, 2012 11:59 These are the days of hot sun and mortgage refinance frenzy . Somehow , they've both combined in my mind to make me ponder the economics of a solar water . heater Because the sun's been beating down on our garden hose , the initial flush of water can be very hot . The warm spray reminded me of the times on camping trips when we'd bring along a portable solar shower essentially a black plastic bag with a tube and shower nozzle for bathing . While not an endless supply perhaps 10 gallons it was a very enjoyable luxury . Of course , it assumes that there's plenty of sunshine , but if so voila a warm and sudsy campsite clean-up is . possible For some reason , with that thought in mind , I began wondering

  • Just Energy Independence or Clean Energy Self-Reliance?

    Updated: 2012-07-10 14:00:00
    In Thomas Friedman’s latest column, he praises Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts because he “took one for the country.”  Friedman sees that “America today is poised for a great renewal” if only it can get some “big, centrist, statesmanlike leadership.” Logically, there would be some renewable (energy) in America’s renewal, right? Wrong.  Her

  • Big Data Goes Green

    Updated: 2012-07-09 11:00:00
    Cloud computing, where software is delivered as a service to end users over the internet, is currently receiving a lot of attention. The term describes data-processing operations that are outsourced to server farms, instead of being powered on-site. These range from websites and remotely hosted networks, to digital storage space and individual documents.

  • How Do You Save Money on Summer Holidays?

    Updated: 2012-07-06 22:20:00
    My Energy Audit , Part 2 : Windows How Do You Save Money on Summer Holidays July 6, 2012 18:20 Earlier this week , Amanda talked about how you can save money celebrating the 4th of July She mentioned several ways you can save energy by doing the things you probably did anyway like leaving the house or barbequing . But now that the 4th has come and gone , we're curious how you spent yours Did you find any creative ways to save energy this 4th You have the chance to share your thoughts on a question about energy efficiency or renewable energy for consumers . Please comment with your answers , and also feel free to respond to other . comments Categories : Question of the Week Summer Permalink Actions : E-mail Twit This Kick it Digg This Save to del.icio.us Share on Facebook Comments 0 Comment

  • EPA Greenhouse Gas Permitting Requirements Maintain Focus on Largest Emitters

    Updated: 2012-07-03 19:15:35
    The GHG Tailoring Rule will continue to address a group of six greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).

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